As an induvidual

How you can help as an individual


We welcome all volunteers who would be happy to help with our projects, either physically or online. We are also looking for volunteers who could personally participate in the development and implementation of our educational programs and who could hold workshops.


Our adoption program is currently under process.

If you are interested in the opportunity of adopting children, please turn to us with trust and write your questions to email adress

Support our work!

Magyarországról az

OTP BANK 11713218-21459052

számú számlaszámára Érted Teszem Alapítvány

With your support, you will contribute to giving a drop of happiness to disadvantaged children living in inconceivable poverty in many parts of the world.

With your donation, you create opportunities for these children to have a better and more hopeful future.

Help! With mind and heart!

If you wish to support our mission financially, please send your donation here:

by clicking on the link

or PayPal

Fundation I do it 4 you

CEC Bank S.A.

Romania, County of Hargita, Gyergyószentmiklós

IBAN: RO74CECEB00030RON2129844


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