June 2022

Travelwithustotheworld of fairytales!

In June 2022 we launchedournew project called „Travelwithustotheworld of fairytales”, whichaimstodeliverfairytale- and storybookstosociallydisadvantagedvillages, schools and hospitals. Manytimesthesecommunitiescannotaffordthemselvestobuybooks, orthecircumstancesarenotappropriate, but we wouldliketomakethejoy of readingaccessibleforthesekids. Thiswaytheycanflytootherrealities, theycan be heroes, theycangetexcited and go onadventures.

Our first destination was the Municipality of Tiszamogyorós town, where we brought 600 books to the local kindergarden and community library that deal with multiple disadvantaged kids. We met great joy and shining eyes.

Our second destination was the Sennyey Elza Primary school in Mándok. We gave again 600 books, we read fairytales and again great love was welcoming us. This town was among the first ones, that provided shelter, alimentation, help and love for the arriving mothers and children in the outbreak of the Ukranian war in february. We brought here donations before, and by this journey we strengthened further our relationship.

After these, we took 300-300 books to the internal medicine and surgery department of Bethesda Children’s Hospital in Budapest. Some of the children had just had tonsillectomy, some had been curing of appendicitis, but many children and mothers had been there already for three weeks. We tried to find out which book the children could really be enthusiastic about, we talked to the children and mothers, and in this way we managed to get them joy and surprise.

We thank all municipalities, kindergarten teachers, teachers, nurses and doctors for their cooperation. On our journeys we have tried to express our gratitude for their daily tireless work.

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